RB Retail & Service Solutions has made it simple for pool professionals to pass along credit card fees using new functionality that has been added to its popular SmartPay integration. In today’s retail market, it has become very popular to pass along credit card fees to consumers and RB’s Smart Pay now makes it easy to do so. Pool and spa professionals simply determine what percentage of each transaction to charge customers (between 0 and 4%) as a ’program fee’ in the Smart Pay business software module. Once a value is entered, when an electronic payment method is used, RB will automatically calculate a Program Fee to be added to a transaction total based on the specified rate. This allows retailers to pass along this cost to increase profits, quickly and automatically! It is important to note that pool and spa professionals must follow guidelines set by law and card issuers when setting up this system. To learn more about this ‘Program Fee’ functionality, set up a demonstration here.
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