One company’s product certainly has folks talking after photos and videos of a pool cover cybertruck strength test went viral. In a daring display of confidence in his company’s products, Aaron Burningham, CEO of Mizu Pool Covers, pulled off a stunning publicity stunt to demonstrate the resilience of his company’s pool covers. In an age where social media thrives on viral moments and jaw-dropping feats, Burningham decided to take a page from the influencer playbook—but with a twist. Instead of risking life and limb, he chose to put his money where his mouth is by testing the strength of Mizu’s automatic pool covers using his own 6,500-pound Tesla Cybertruck.
A New Kind of Publicity Stunt
Burningham, a Utah-based entrepreneur, has a knack for grabbing attention in unique ways. As an active member of the Tesla Cybertruck Facebook group, he initially caught the community’s eye by wrapping his stainless steel Cybertruck in a striking bright red shortly after its delivery. This bold choice set him apart from other owners and earned him a fair amount of online buzz. He followed up with other exploits, such as towing a boat and later a horse trailer, sharing photos and stories that captured the imagination of the Cybertruck enthusiast community.
“Had a decent amount of stares pulling the boat, but even more so with the horse trailer, haha,” Aaron shared in the group. It was this moment of online engagement that sparked his next idea—using his Cybertruck to showcase the strength of his company’s pool covers.
Putting Mizu Pool Covers to the Test
Burningham, ever the creative marketer, decided that the best way to promote his company was through a dramatic demonstration that would get people talking. He arranged for a crane to lift his dual-motor Cybertruck and place it gently onto one of Mizu’s automatic pool covers. As the massive EV was carefully positioned, a camera crew captured every angle of the daring endeavor, which was later shared online.
The spectacle didn’t end there. Burningham also included several photos of himself sitting casually in the truck’s bed while it rested on the cover, further emphasizing his confidence in his product’s ability to withstand immense pressure.
The results were as dramatic as the stunt itself: the Mizu pool cover held firm, supporting the full weight of the 6,500-pound vehicle. The demonstration quickly gained traction across social media platforms, drawing viewers’ attention and sparking conversations about the incredible durability of modern pool covers.
Not the First to Go to Great Lengths
While Burningham’s bold move has certainly captured the public’s imagination, this isn’t the first time a pool cover company has gone to great lengths to prove its products’ durability. Back in the day, Loop-Loc, another well-known name in the pool cover industry, gained fame with an iconic image of their cover holding the weight of an elephant. That visual metaphor became synonymous with strength and reliability, setting a high bar for what consumers could expect from a pool cover.
This new age spin effectively revived this tradition of dramatic product demonstrations, aiming to show that Mizu’s covers are built to the same high standards—or perhaps even higher. By leveraging the popularity of his Tesla Cybertruck and the widespread fascination with eye-catching feats, one thing Burningham’s stunt has done for certain is successfully draw attention to Mizu’s pool covers in a crowded market. The visual also sends a powerful message to potential customers: if a Mizu cover can hold a 6,500-pound vehicle, it can surely handle anything a homeowner might throw at it.
The video and photos quickly went viral, proving that sometimes the best marketing strategies are those that combine humor, daring, and a little bit of risk.
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