Have you ever felt helpless with equipment manufacturers? Felt like you were getting the go around and not feeling supported? Or that since you are not a big enough number, so you do not get support on products!?! I will be completely honest; I have felt at times my issue with manufactures were downplayed because I do not buy as much equipment as a competitor who has 900+ pools. I have even felt like larger companies who do not purchase much from one equipment manufacturer were getting better tech support benefits. I think everyone one of us have felt that way toward one manufacturer or another. However, what are some ways to get the support we deserve?
In the pool industry, like many others, we believe customer service is key. It is one of the main reasons we use a particular manufacturer’s equipment.
“It’s on the manufacturer to be tight with their customers and anticipate issues before they happen and ensure strong upfront communication … but when things do happen, the sales rep should do all they can to proactively engage, understand the issue and resolve it. The sales rep should have a caring heart. If you care customers notice it and makes the process much easier,” Jason Anderson Senior Regional Sale Manager with Fluidra commented.
What should we do when we feel we are not getting the support we need?
Documentation is important when you feel you are not getting support. Making sure to document every call, text and email. When you have documentation on the communication and solution you are not getting, it will help you have a professional conversation with the manufacturer’s reps or superiors.
Attend Trainings
Most equipment installation issues can be resolved by attending manufacturer trainings. You can attend these classes either at regional trainings, conventions, or local tabletops. Not only are manufacturer trainings important to give you the information you need to install and troubleshoot equipment, but it is away to build relationships with the reps in the area. Training sessions can also give you opportunities to meet other pool professionals with knowledge of the equipment, including who the warranty stations are. When you are troubleshooting or in a bind and need advice, calling the warranty station can be a great resource.
The best advice I was ever given while learning the pool industry was networking. Building professional relationships with other pool pros allows you to have a circle of people who know the trade and bounce ideas with. You have an outside resource from the pool manufacturers. Believe me, there have been many times I would call a colleague in a unique situation, and they were able to give me the tips and tricks to solve my dilemma. I have, also, experienced having another set of eyes or ears helped me see something I was overlooking.
Explore other Reps
Hey, it is human nature to not mesh with everyone. That is A-OKAY! That is why finding a manufacturer rep that you jive with is important. One thing we are lucky to have is multiple manufacturer reps in each region. They are divided up between technical and sales. Both can work with you for your needs. If you feel like you are getting nowhere with BOB, you can seek out JOHN. If you do not know who the other reps are in your area you can contact distribution, warranty stations and other collogues to give you their contact information.
So what do we do when we feel we have tried everything avenue to resolve our problem, if its faulty product, customer service, rebates, etc?
Start with contacting your manufacturer rep with an email documenting all the steps you have taken to resolve the issue and the results of those steps. In this email hold back emotional responses. Sometimes are emotions can get the best of us and cloud the factual component of our communications. People are more willing to work with you when they do not feel attacked. I would, also, recommend setting a timeline for a response. Be reasonable with thetimeline. You wantto give enough timeforthe rep to read, research solutions and respond.
What is the next step if you feel you have not received a better resolution?
In these cases, it is best to move your communication to management. Forward the email chain you have been using with your local rep. I would suggest keeping the local rep in the email. This allows everyone to be part of the issue and resolutions. I have found in more cases than not; my issues have been resolved by this step. With continued professionalism throughoutthe process, I have been able to still maintain professional relationship with the local rep even with elevating my concerns.
When do you say enough is enough and change manufacturers?
This is going to be a different moment for everyone. When you feel a manufacture isn’t resolving your issues and you do not want to sell their product that is up to you. However, keep in mind not every pool has the same brand equipment. You do not want to lose business because you only want to use one brand. I would recommend keeping the knowledge and skill set of every manufacturer. When a customer calls to fix something, if they have a different brand equipment, you can still fix the issue with the brand you may not prefer. If the customer asks for your recommendation, then you can suggest the manufacturer you feel gives the best customer service, with the best quality product. I have gone into many yards, where the customer has called other companies to help resolve issues. Yet, since they had certain brand of equipment and the companies do not install that brand, I won the customer and all their future work because I will work on all manufacture’s equipment.
Final Thoughts
Navigating relationships with equipment manufacturers can be challenging, but it’s essential to advocate for the support you deserve. By documenting your communications, attending training sessions, and actively networking with other professionals, you can create a strong foundation for collaboration. Remember that finding the right manufacturer representative is crucial—don’t hesitate to explore other options if you feel unsupported.
If you’ve exhausted all avenues and still feel let down, escalating your concerns to management can often lead to resolutions. Ultimately, knowing when to pivot to another manufacturer is a personal decision, but maintaining a broad knowledge of various brands can enhance your versatility and business opportunities. By staying open to all equipment types and prioritizing customer service, you can ensure your clients receive the best solutions, no matter their preferred brand. Embrace the journey, build those connections, and continue to grow in your expertise—support is out there, waiting for you to reach out and grab it!
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