By Anna Vetta
Demand of saunas have gained unprecedented popularity, prompting some to ponder the reasons behind their surge, while others question why it took so long for their widespread recognition.
Saunas have been a growing wellness commodity for spas, gyms, yoga studios, hotels and resorts, and many more commercial locations for years. Saunas in homes have also been increasing in demand, especially over the past two years, which has been a whirlwind.
Amid the global pandemic, saunas emerged as a greatly sought-after wellness product, and these trends in demand appear to be enduring. Before delving into this transformative shift, it is important to understand some essential elements about saunas. The following explores these various areas.
History of saunas
The origins of the sauna can be traced back to more than 2,000 years ago in Finland. A sauna was simply a wood room or a stone temple with a hole in the dirt (referred to as a “pit”), and it was filled with wood fire. Finns would use the sauna for many daily activities—from eating meals, social gatherings, to as a relaxation space. The ritual of birthing would also take place in the sauna, in addition to new mothers using the space for resting.
Sauna rooms were made of stone, brick, and most commonly wood. A wood structure for either interior or exterior is the perfect material choice for any sauna design. Later, heat sources evolved and many options became available. With the gaining awareness of the benefits of saunas, they then became the “must-have” item for almost every home in Finland.
From the author’s standpoint, the use of saunas is deeply ingrained in Finnish culture. In this nation with a population of 5.5 million, the prevalence of saunas is comparable to that of television sets, totalling approximately 3.3 million. About two decades ago, during the author’s business and leisure travels, a trip to Finland highlighted the fascinating observation that households in the country might possess more saunas than cars.
The author found this phenomenon intriguing, yet did not completely comprehend why Finns believed households should have at least one sauna, with many opting for two. Was it a necessity or a preference? The author sought an answer, only to receive the response, “Us Finns love our saunas!” Despite the vague reply, the author considered this piece of valuable information for sauna enthusiasts. Twenty years later, the question lingered: would the author and the rest of the world come to fully understand it, too?
The post Exploring the phenomenal rise in demand for saunas appeared first on Pool & Spa Marketing.